Mental Health First Aid Training

In October this year, we enlisted our amazing team on a Mental Health First Aid training course with MHFA England; the only licensed provider of Mental Health First Aid Training in England.

Having been so inspired and enlightened by the course, we are now partnering with our MHFA Instructor to offer training to business within the UK; to allow their employees to become Mental Health First Aiders in an engaging way.

Read on for some information on the MHFA course we took.

We were lucky enough to know our course instructor, Ben, prior to undertaking thecourse. Ben had always spoken passionately about his Mental Health First Aidwork, and it was something that really aligned with what we do at TheProvibers – highly valuing the physical and mental wellbeing of our crew andguests alike.

The Provibers are an events production company andperformance collective that centres around bringing the best vibes out ofpeople and brands. We hero forming genuine, authentic connections with thepeople that we come in to contact with through our work.

As a performance collective, we spend a lot of time in the festival-sphere, interacting with young people in a very open environment, wherethere is potential for vulnerabilities or crises to come to the surface; one of thepivotal reasons we wanted to undertake the training and ensure our teamwere equipped with the tools and skill needed to approach and assist.We relished the opportunity to take 13 of our Provibers team on theTwo Day Young Person MHFA Training.

The training was very interesting, informative, and delivered in a natural and fun way. We really enjoyed taking the two days to bond as a collective and tackle some incredibly important topics.

Final comment from our instructor Ben:

Conversation and engagement is at the core of every delivery and when training The Provibers it felt like this was especially rich.

To quote Andrew Curran –

“When you engage a person’s heart their mind will follow, and that couldn’tbe truer in this scenario as the whole group were truly invested from start tofinish.”

I’m excited and optimistic about just how far the ripple effect of messaging will reach after this Provibers delivery, as the room was full to the brim with positive energy and love.

Please get in touch with The Provibers if you would like to discuss MHFA Training at your workplace!